19 March 2011

Disaster // 災害

近日,日本發生了嚴重災難 ,一場地震造成了連環天災-海嘯,火山爆發,什至幅射洩漏。現更面臨最後的48小時,東日本的存亡。最後百多名勇士可以保護日本可以度過難關嗎?

There was a great disaster happened in Japan. A serious earthquake destroyed many homes and families, and it caused Tsunami and Volcanic Eruption. But, the worst thing would be the leaking Nuclear Radiation. Now, Japan is facing the key 48 hours, will the last hundred workers made it and protect Japan or this would be the end of East Japan?


10 March 2011

Fɛɛʟᴉɴɢ // 気持ち


You will experience the Feeling of Satisfaction when you got yourself something; You will experience the Feeling of Joy when you receive a present from someone. Which one would you refer?


21 January 2011

Cᴀʀɖ // カード


Busy with my v5. Trailer Contest video these days, fortunately I made it before the deadline.

最近制作中の Card Flourish のムビー完成、おっ彼!

08 January 2011

CᴀᴛLøʊɛʀ // ネコすきか?


Once upon a time, you must have heard pets are humans best friend, especially cats and dogs. The Arrogance of Cats and  the loyalty of dogs make our life most fun and rich. However, I once read a book about Pet Cats, not far from now. Frankly speaking, if you are a Cat Lover , then you are a Cat Slave. It's true, our character will be switched from the Master to the Slave. You feed when they are hungry, you clean after they used the toilet. You served them every time when they demanded .  Although, there is nothing wrong to be a Cat Slave, 'cause you just love your cat. Trust me, I'm a Cat Slave too!


06 January 2011

Lø♥ɛJᴀpɑɴ // すき焼


Try making Suki-Yaki couple weeks ago, not as good as the traditional one but still delicious! I'm Lovin' it!


05 January 2011

NɛwYɛaʀEʊɛ // 花火


This is my first time spending my NYE in Sydney since 2007, enjoying the fireworks at Watson’s Bay.
Beautiful? Yes; Spectacular? Yes; And, it shows how much extra money did the Australian Government spend on the fireworks.


02 January 2011

²⁰¹¹ // New(ʙʟøɡ)

因MSN Space快關站了…
New to WordPress.com, due to the closing down of MSN Space.
I was planning to be here earlier, just couldn’t find a chance. Well, it’s 2011 now, new year new start.
MSN Spaceの終わり...